The Prompt Pack
Our Prompt Pack
The prompt pack is designed to provide you and your loved ones a positively-oriented and organized framework in which to share the important, core elements of your life story. Each volume in your family’s Encyclopedia, sharing the same basic format, will make for a coherent and easy read with a forward flowing story line. The consistency and clarity will be a comfort to future readers and make for a fascinating read.
To allow for personalization and provide flexibility, additional story lines or features can be added by the individual and placed at the end of the book, in the format of appendixes or extra chapters.
Traditionally and historically, encyclopedias have been reference books presenting knowledge in easily located and enjoyable reading formats. Even in this digital age, they are still synonymous with knowledge, integrity and class.
Around the world, each family’s Encyclopedia Humanitas will contribute to the worldwide human story; providing insights into the past to fascinate and delight future readers.